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10 Event Management Tips Every New Event Planner Should Know

Written by
Len Gauger
Published on
August 20, 2024

While event management may be seemingly straightforward, understanding the process's inner-workings will help new event planners overcome the hurdles that inevitably come up. Understanding event management as a new event planner can help you effectively organize your events, swiftly solve emerging problems, and ensure all attendees have a good experience.

We’ve compiled these 10 helpful event management tips that every new event planner should know. 

Why You Need to Understand the Principles of Event Management

You might not be versed enough, and your understanding of planning an event may not be as thorough as the experts, and rightly so. That’s why learning more about event management and the solutions to common issues will help you build a rewarding career. This field is inarguably becoming more sophisticated by the day thanks to technological advancement. 

The advent of the digital space has led to the fusion of different event types, leading to even more complicated arrangement processes. Today, virtual and hybrid events have become more prevalent, and a study revealed that 59.5% attendees may actually prefer them. It’s also never been easier to network at events, thanks to personalized matchmaking technology.

10 Best Event Management Tips for New Event Planners

You can be ahead of the curve if you understand the essential event management tips. Below are the vital tips to help you navigate event management like a pro.

1.   Set Clear Objectives

It's best to comprehensively understand your event's nature and purpose before setting your objectives. Be clear on the basics-are you planning a virtual or physical event? While the former may be pretty straightforward, the latter requires utmost preparation to ensure guests are comfortable and well-cared for. Virtual events only require identifying the best event app. What objectives does your meeting seek to meet? For example, are you trying to promote networking among a group of professionals with similar interests, or holding a large conference with several high-profile guest speakers

2.   Create a Detailed Plan

Put down every detail regarding the event in a comprehensive plan. Your plan should have timelines, budgets, vendor contacts, and a detailed schedule. A thorough plan ensures you don't miss anything important and stay organized. A detailed plan covering every event's essential aspect can make managing it a breeze.

3.   Set a Budget

Set a realistic budget and try to work within the parameters if you want to make your event management process straightforward. Proper financial backing can bolster your event because events require sufficient financial support. Physical events may be more cost-involving, and rightly so. On the other hand, virtual events may only prompt you to make plan budgeting on your preferred conferencing or business matchmaking app. Allocate funds for the biggest expenses, such as venue, food, entertainment, and marketing, whether physical or hybrid. There should always be a contingency fund in case of any unexpected situations.

4.   Choose the Right Venue

Choose a venue that suits the purpose and the audience the event is intended to attract. This preparation tip goes both ways for virtual, hybrid, or physical events. The venue should have a good location, enough capacity, and requisite facilities, and it should be easily accessible if the event is physical. Similarly, please select a more presentable venue, like a conference room, to appear more professional if you're holding a virtual event.

5.   Create A Strong Supporting Team

Build a strong team around you that can help with planning and implementation. Divide responsibilities based on the strengths and traits of the member if you can. Teamwork holds the key to the smooth running of an event. A more robust team can also be handy in virtual events as they can help decide the best software to use, set it up, and manage it as the event progresses.

6.   Communicate Assertively And Effectively

The lines of communication should be open, continuous, and transparent with your team, vendors, and clients. Use email, messaging platforms, and project management platforms to track updates. Moreover, these essential event tools can vastly help you pass essential information like the date and time of the event kicking off. Ensure every end, including yours and your clients, is evident on the essentials before the event to avoid mixing your railroads.

7.   Promote the Event on Social Media

Plan your marketing strategy in a way that would catch the interest of your audience. Use social media, email marketing, and traditional advertising to ensure it reaches your target audience. Campaign way before the event to increase anticipation and ensure that people book to attend in large numbers.

8.   Always Be Prepared for the Unexpected

Anticipate problems at the event and be ready with a backup plan. Ensure you have a backup plan for unprecedented blackouts and technical hitches when conferencing and event software fail. There should be sufficient power and application contingency to avoid possible issues as your event progresses. If the event is hybrid or physical, include additional supplies, secondary vendors, and transport.

9.   Focus on the Attendee’s Experience

How your guests rate their experience in the virtual, hybrid, or physical event will determine how successful it's been. The attention to the needs and expectations of attendees-ensuring they have a great time-novelty, clear signs, ample seating, good food, and captivating activities. The happy attendees will likely return for more and refer events to others. Ensure guests can seamlessly navigate through the event platform, that help is available in plenty, and that the platform is well personalized. These tiny details all help you improve their experience.

10. Ask for Feedback

Take some time following the event to recapture its success. Ask for feedback from your team, clients, and, most importantly, attendees will tease out different reactions to the day, which is helpful for reflection on where things went right and what didn't. Remember, you're only starting as an event planner; a considerable reflection can go a long way. Ensure you learn from experience to do the same in future events.

The Bottom Line

If you're still a novice, planning and managing an event can present a steep learning curve. The good thing is that managing an event may not always be as challenging as you may think if you adequately understand your way around the process.

Book a demo with Connect Space to find out how to promote attendee networking with our matchmaking app.

Len Gauger


Len Gauger is the innovative founder and CEO of Connect Space. Gauger has an impressive background, previously serving as an analyst at the U.S. Department of Defense. He showcases a unique blend of entrepreneurial spirit, strategic vision, and a knack for tech innovation. His diverse experiences have equipped him to effectively lead Connect Space, an events management platform company based in the bustling tech startup environment of Ann Arbor.